Now Khan was a pious Muslim and conservative politician who rejected Western values. Former cricketer Khan was once known as a party-loving playboy who eventually married Jemima Goldsmith, a British heiress with Jewish heritage. Who knows if it was true, but the fidelity of the statement mattered less than its irony. Someone whispered to me, “she’s dating Imran Khan…and she’s married.” A glamorous woman sat languidly on a divan in the center of the room. Scattered about the large minimalist-style villa were women in flowing tunics carrying Louis Vuitton handbags, men in silk ascots holding glasses of Johnny Walker Blue Label, chain-smoking teens, and foreign diplomats. In retrospect, I first saw it up close on a hot summer night in 2010 when I found myself at a house party in an upscale suburb of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. Many have recognized the similarities between Khan and Trump. But the common threads between the two men just might help a bilateral relationship that, in the face of major policy disagreements, often depends on strong links between leaders at the highest levels in both governments. Pakistanis probably don’t want to hear that Imran Khan is their Donald Trump. * Please keep in mind that all text is machine-generated, we do not bear any responsibility, and you should always get advice from professionals before taking any actions.The United States, however, already has a leg up-since Khan’s rise to power resembles Trump’s own political trajectory in so many ways. Finally, another major accomplishment for Pakistan is that Khan gets along with Trump very well on a personal level. Its possible that Trump may resume Pakistan military training programs and exchanges which were suspended last year after both countries developed serious differences over the issue of Afghanistan.

Moreover, few days ago, General Mark Milley, who has been nominated as Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that US interests are better served if the country maintains strong military ties with Pakistan. At one point during President Trumps meeting with Khan, former mentioned that security assistance for Pakistan could come back depending on what both countries achieve concerning Afghanistan. They are likely to be reinstated in coming weeks. Last year, Trump suspended military training programs for Pakistan. Fourth, visit has offered bilateral security cooperation and military - to - military relations a much - needed boost. While it is unlikely that Modi will mention the idea of third party intervention, Islamabad has been able to extract major diplomatic coup with Trump and Khans conversation on the subject. Trumps statement, however, was denied by India within hours, with New Delhi maintaining that it doesnt accept third party intervention on the issue of Kashmir. What made the situation worse for New Delhi was Trumps reference to a conversation with India Prime Minister Modi, where the latter allegedly asked for US mediation to resolve the issue of Kashmir.

Third, unexpected achievement that Islamabad was able to extract from Trump was latter discussion of the Kashmir crisis and willingness to mediate between India and Pakistan. So far, Washington seems to endorse Pakistan's stance on terrorism. He also emphasized that there exists a civil - military agreement in Pakistan that it is in the interest of Pakistan to not allow militias within the country. Khan during his conversations at various forums made it clear that the countrys policy concerning the issue of terrorism had shifted radically. Its interesting to note that the issue of terrorism has even become a major talking point in official meetings between military as well as civilian leadership. Second, on the question of terrorism, there was not any serious criticism of Pakistan. It is probable that after Khan's visit, Pakistan will position itself as a central player in ongoing negotiations between the Taliban and the United States. This essentially shows that Trump's close aides and team working in Afghanistan are pleased with Pakistan's recent efforts. The last few months have seen Pakistan's role being appreciated more by the US at the highest levels. Primarily, focus of Khans meeting with President Trump remains on Afghanistan. First, convergence of interests has emerged between Islamabad and Washington on both countries ' Afghanistan policy. For Islamabad, there are five major takeaways from Khans US visit. The visit, which a few months ago was not even a possibility, ended up giving Pakistan's diplomacy a much - needed boost. In Pakistan, Prime Minister Imran Khans visit to the United States has already been a resounding success.